Posted by on Jan 20, 2015 in maintenance, repair

Fix The Headache

You’re headed out for work in the morning, coffee in one hand and garage door opener in the other. You’ve steeled yourself for the busy day, but nothing prepares you for the ear-splitting screech that hits as soon as you click the “up” button.

Headache from the Noise

Whether it’s an extreme noise or a milder squeak, no one enjoys a noisy garage door. Fortunately, this aggravating problem can usually be traced back to a few small issues that have easy fixes. Keep reading to find out what measures to take in getting your garage door to run seamlessly.

1. Tighten the screws.

The racket could be caused by loose nuts, screws, or bolts. Try tightening up all the screws on the door and track. Use a ratchet and deep socket on the nuts. Make sure you don’t overdo it—tightening your door up too much could strip the screws or puncture the door.

2. Replace old rollers.

Your track roller enables the garage door to roll up and down along the track. Many rollers can get dirty after years of use, which slows their efficiency. Some could even get wobbly, causing your door to shudder. Try replacing worn out rollers with nylon ones. They’re more expensive than steel rollers, but they don’t need oiling to stay fresh.

Do not attempt to replace the rollers at the bottom of the garage door—these are under a lot of pressure from the springs and can be very dangerous to remove. If you think your bottom bracketed rollers are the problem, contact a professional.

3. Replace old hinges.

If your hinges look worn (for instance, if a hinge appears to have a hole), a replacement is probably in order.

4. Check the chain.

How is your garage door opener chain? If it’s loose, it creates a lot of loud noise by slapping against itself or by rattling the rollers. Try tightening the chain according to the directions in your owner’s manual.

5. Oil everything.

Apply garage lubricant to any moving part—chances are, if they are squeaky they need to be lubricated. Lubricate the hinges, springs, roller bearings, and any other pivot points. Make sure to use a garage-specific lubricant, since it’s less likely than oil or grease to pick up dirt that will slow down the hinges’ movements.

Hopefully, this reduces the strain on your ears, as well as your door. If you’ve tried these tips and nothing seems to help, it can’t hurt to call a garage door repair professional. Give The Garage Door Company a call—we’re always happy to help your life and your garage door run a little smoother.

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