7 Garage Upgrades Worth Considering

When homeowners think “home improvement,” garage upgrades usually aren’t the first idea that comes to mind. And yet, there are simple changes and additions you can make to your garage that will make your home a more enjoyable place to be and add to its value. Here are just seven of the best and most popular […]
One Thing to Remember About Garage Door Maintenance and Repair

We understand that most people will never spend as much time thinking about garage door maintenance and repair as we do. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t think about it at all. Even if you aren’t all that concerned about your garage, or can deal with the costs and delays that come from a […]
Fix or Replace Your Garage Door? The 3 Worst & 3 Best Reasons

When your garage door needs significant service work, you might legitimately ask whether replacing the door is a better option. On the one hand a single service call out might offer a cheap short term solution—but on the other hand, ongoing service work can add up to a lot of lettuce! Are you throwing away […]
Are All Garage Door Companies the Same?

When you need a garage door installed or repaired, does it really matter who you call? Are there really any differences between the different garage door companies you see advertising for your business? To the outsider, there probably aren’t. Most people don’t ever think about garage doors at all, unless theirs stops working suddenly. Then […]
The Evolution of the Door

From Cave Dwelling to Rocket Ship Have you ever thought about how many times your hard working ’front door’ opens and closes during a normal day in the life of your busy family? And I’m not talking about that tiny rectangular swing door that’s collecting cobwebs. (The one that only unwelcome door-to-door marketers and unexpected […]
25 Year Industry Study On Garage Doors Concludes

“Your Garage Door Reveals Your IQ!” Full Disclosure Let me confess upfront that the ’25 year study’ cited is the span of my own career in the overhead door industry. There was no control group. No double blind. No placebo. The sole researcher was yours truly. And the data was collected in the most haphazard […]
Why a Smiling Garage Door is Really Un-Happy

The Cheshire Cat A garage door can sag unnaturally in either the up or the down position, producing a characteristic smile. But a smiling garage door is really just poorly braced, and can lead to more serious problems. If a garage door is correctly braced when first installed it will resist unnatural sagging, twisting, and bending, and […]
4 Reasons Not to Repair Your Own Garage Door

So you’re all set to go to work, and find that your garage door won’t open. Or maybe some severe weather is moving in and you find that you’re unable to close the door and protect your valuables. In these situations, is it better to call a garage door repair company or try to repair […]
Salt Stains On Your Garage Floor

Remove and Prevent Damage During winter, your garage becomes a haven for your car. It protects your vehicle from ice and snow, and it stops frost from building up on your windshield. When you keep your garage door in good repair, you can easily pull out of your garage without worrying about your radiator freezing. […]
Winter Garage Door Maintenance

Be Prepared in Advance As snow squalls, deep freezes, and bone-chilling temperatures settle in throughout Calgary, you may feel the need to bundle up in blankets and stay indoors for the next few months. However, your garage door needs care and maintenance now more than ever. Extreme temperatures and stormy weather can cause a variety […]